Sunday, October 28, 2012

Camel and Denim

Oh, the weather outside is...AMAZING!

Yay!!! It's finally here!  FALL.  My favorite season!  Words cannot describe how good the chilly Autumn breeze makes me feel!  It's now time to chunk all my shortie shorts and tanks into the boxes at the top of my closet to make room for chunky sweaters, blazer, and boots.  Fall compliments my skin type (pale) so much better than summer, plus I love layering clothing!  Excuse the messy apartment in the back ground, and the stereotypical mirror shot -- I just have to share one of my favorite looks for fall.  Mixing denim with black and camel!  Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My New Obsession

Am I the only one addicted to Polyvore? Anyone? Okay. So maybe I am, but I absolutely LOVE the site.  I can spend hours putting outfits together and drooling over each peice of clothing that I will never be able to afford.  I admit get a little giddy when people re-pin my sets on pinterest.  I definitely chose the right major...apparel studies.  There's just something about clothes that inspires me.  I would love to be a designer one day.  Watch for me at London Fashion Week!  Until then I'll just settle for making polyvore sets in the confines of my own bedroom. :P

Really K-Stew?

I finally have decided to comment on the recent media explosion that is the infidelity between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.  First of all, WTF Kristen???? Who in their right mind would cheat on the most desired man on the planet?  It completely blows my mind.  The dude that she apparently secretly met up with is no catch in my opinion.  This Rupert Sanders guy, who by the way is married must be experiencing hell at home right now.  Rightly deserved, though.  Im shaking my head at you Kristen Stewart.  You deserve to be alone.  I have had my fair experience with cheating boyfriends, so when I see that the female in the relationship has corrupted commitment, I get really angry.  I hate to say it but Rob is the best Kristen could ever do.  I actually liked Kristen Stewart before this whole debacle.  Now I have no respect for her.  I hope he finds someone that he can trust and that actually deserves him. said Kristen told him only right before the media exposed the scandal...classy.  All my best to you Rob, and may you find someone that A) loves you as much as I do ;) and B) can stay committed.  Can I get an amen? Amen.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beautiful girls at the Met Gala 2012

Sharing from

I'm all about galas and events.  After all, it's where you see the most daring or most classic fashion moments.

Met Ball

Blog=good. Right?

So I've decided to start a blog.  I'm not sure where this blog is heading, yet.  I intend to just post things that I love.  Whether fashion, or people, or movies.  I hope you all enjoy. :)